
World's Info : Time zones in Australia

There are 3 official and widely known standard time zones in Australia, covering the country mainland territories.

But on practice, there are more other time zones.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is observed by the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria states, and the Macquarie Island (Tasmania), which is staying in DST year around.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) in 2015-2016 - starts on Sunday 04 October 2015, 02:00 local time (clock by 1 hour ahead) - ends on Sunday 03 April 2016, 03:00 local time (clock by 1 hour back)

See, in what time zones are located the major cities of Australia, including the capital city Canberra (marked by **), state capitals (marked by *), the largest metropolises, tourist places and other locations.


Alphabetical list of Australian cities with their standard time zones and DST
City with state codeUTC time offsetDST

Adelaide, SA *+09:30+10:30
Albany, SA+08:00none
Albury, NSW+10:00+11:00
Alice Springs, NT+09:30none

Ballarat, VIC+10:00+11:00
Bathurst, NSW+10:00+11:00
Bendigo, VIC+10:00+11:00
Brisbane, QLD *+10:00none
Broken Hillt, NSW+09:30+10:30
Broome, WA+08:00none
Bunbury, WA+08:00none
Bundaberg, QLD+10:00none

Cairns, QLD+10:00none
Canberra, ACT **+10:00+11:00
Central Coast, NSW+10:00+11:00
Coffs Harbour, NSW+10:00+11:00
Coral Bay, WA+08:00none

Darwin, NT *+09:30none
Devonport, TAS+10:00+11:00
Dubbot, NSW+10:00+11:00

Eucla, WA+08:45none

Fraser Island, QLD+10:00none

Geelong, VIC+10:00+11:00
Geraldton, WA+08:00none
Gladstone, QLD+10:00none
Gold Coast, QLD+10:00none

Hervey Bay, QLD+10:00none
Hobart, TAS *+10:00+11:00

Kangaroo Island, SA+09:30+10:30

Besides the Australian mainland, the country has a number of outlying overseas territories in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific region, along with the Antarctic stations. These locations have the following standard time zones and do not use DST.

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