The points of East &The point of West

Sun rising and sun setting are familiar daily phenomenon which are mentioned in Quran. Quran says, “(He is) Lord of East and the West: there is no God but He: take him therefore for (they) Disposed of affairs” [37:9]. Again in another sign Quran says, “Now I do call to witness. The Lord of all points in the East and the West. That we can certainly substitute for them better(men) than they; and we are not to be defeated (in our plan)” [70:40-41]. Again in another Quranic verse it says (He is) Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two West” [55:17] in the first verse, east and west ate dealt with in the term of singular. In the third verse they are dealt with in the term if dealt whereas in the second verse they are dealt with in the term of plural. Then why do they differ in the term of phrasing? Where are these many easts and wests? However, it is easy it is under stand the singular term. Wherever we go there one east and one west. Regarding the dual east and dual west they refer to the two points of setting and rising of the sun during the seasons of summer and winter. As we know the earth completes its rotation around the sun in 365 ¼ days. We also know that the inclination of the center if the earth rotation from the vertical axis create the seasonal differences and consequently the shifting of the points and time of sun rising and sun setting in earth throughout the year. It is well known that the point and timing of sun rising and sun setting experience a light change every day. In other words, the sun rises and sets at a different point and time of rising and setting everyday and throughout the year. this means that there are points of rising and points of setting equal to the number of the days of a year. but the difference in the positions of rising and setting is more clear in terms of seasons; in summer and winter. Therefore, the dual meaning in the above verse targets the two position of sun rising and setting in summer and winter, “(He is) lord of the two easts lord of the two wests” whereas the several points of sun setting and rising which are displayed throughout the year are expressed in the verse, “Now I do call to witness. That we can certainly substitute for them Better (men) than they. And we are not to be defeated (in our plan). Another meaning for this last verse may be possible. By several settings and rising of the sun, the verse may mean the different times of sun settings and risings which the whole earth experience at each second. It may also mean that many plants are expressing the same process of sun setting and sun rising. Now, we try to understand the reason behind mentioning this phenomenon in different phrasings. If we examine these verses the verses which precedes them we will find the verses which deal with it in its single term says, “But keep in remembrance the name of thy Lord and devote thyself west. There is no god but he take him therefore for(thy) dispose of affairs” here the term East and West are mentioned in the context of asking the prophet (PBUH) to remember the name of Allah and to devote himself to Him. It is an affirmation of monotheism. To worship Allah alone and be faithful to him. Allah has neither a partner nor son. Therefore, since the contents of these verse are a call for monotheism the singular dealing with the terms of East and West is the most suitable in this context. As far the verse which deals with East and West clay like unto pottery. And he created Jinns from fire free from smoke: then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? (he is ) lord of the two easts and lord of the two wests: then which of the favours of your lord will ye deny? he is lord of the two easts and lord of the two wests: then which of the favours of your lord will be deny? he has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together: between them is a barrier which they do not transgress, then which of the favours of your lord will ye deny? out them come pearls and corals, then which of the favours of your lord will ye deny” the contents of these verses deal with elements which are dual “men and Jinns” “two bodies of the flowing water” “pearls and corals” therefore it is natural to mention two easts and two wests” Allah created all these things and they are his boons bestirred upon man and man must admit an thank Allah for them. Regarding the Quranic sign which dealt with East and West in plural form, here we can examine the significance of this in the verse itself. Quran says “Now what is the matter with the unbelievers that they rush madly before thee. From the right and from the left. In crowds? Does every man of them long to enter the garden of bliss? By no means! For we have created them out as the “base matter” they know now I do call to witness, the lord of all points in the East and the West, that we can certainly. Substitute for them better (men) than they. And we are not to be defeated (in our plan) the verse speaks about wishes of the unbelievers to get what they do not deserve. Therefore since the subject of the verse is unbelievers, the verse mentioned the points of Easts and points of wests in the plural terms. The verse also call upon us to meditate about and examine its meanings which confirm that Allah is capable to do everything. All the three ways of expressing the singular, the dual and the plural are indication of the eloquence of the Quranic language which convince the reader by using all means clear and mysterious, physical and abstract and activates human intellect on all levels and aspects of life and hereafter. Source: Quranic verse in the light of science’ By: Dr. Yahya Elmihjari